TransAlta Renewables Inc. Declares Dividends

Energía y Servicios Públicos

Internacional (Marketwired, 09 de Agosto de 2013) The Board of Directors of TransAlta Renewables Inc. ("TransAlta Renewables") (TSX:RNW) today declared its first monthly dividend in the amount of $0.04726 per common share for the period from August 9, 2013 to August 31, 2013 payable on September 30, 2013 for shareholders of record at the close of business on September 3, 2013. TransAlta Renewables also declared dividends of $0.06250 per common share payable on October 31, 2013 for shareholders of record at the close of business on October 1, 2013, and on November 29, 2013 for shareholders of record at the close of business on November 1, 2013.

All currency is expressed in Canadian dollars except where otherwise noted.

About TransAlta Renewables

TransAlta Renewables has been formed to own a portfolio of renewable power generation facilities. TransAlta Renewables' objective is to (i) create stable, consistent returns for investors through the ownership of contracted renewable power generation assets that provide stable cash flow through long-term power purchase agreements with creditworthy counterparties, including TransAlta; (ii) pursue and capitalize on strategic growth opportunities in the renewable power generation sector; and (iii) pay out a portion of cash available for distribution to the shareholders of TransAlta Renewables on a monthly basis. TransAlta Renewables owns 28 wind and hydroelectric power generation facilities, having an aggregate installed generating capacity of 1,234 MW, in which it holds a net ownership interest of approximately 1,112 MW. TransAlta Renewables' power generating capacity is among the largest of any publicly-traded renewable independent power producer ("IPP") in Canada, with more wind power generating capacity than any other Canadian publicly-traded IPP. TransAlta Renewables' strategy is focused on the efficient operation of its portfolio of renewable power generation assets and expanding its asset base through the acquisition of additional renewable power generation facilities in operation or under construction.


Contact Information

TransAlta Renewables Inc.- Investor inquiries:

Brent Ward
Director, Corporate Finance and Investor Relations
1-800-387-3598 in Canada and U.S.

TransAlta Renewables Inc.- Media inquiries:
Stacey Hatcher
Senior Corporate Relations Advisor
Toll-free media number: 1-855-255-9184
Alternate local number: 403-267-2540