Quantros Safety Rx and Patient Safety Organization Solution Expands

Farmacia y Biotecnología Medicina y Salud

Internacional (Marketwired, 09 de Agosto de 2013) Integration of Comprehensive Data Management System to Enhance Pharmacy Services and Maintain Superior Guest Experience Within Target Retail ChainsQuantros today announced plans to expand the Quantros® Safety Rx™ application to pharmacies and clinics in more than 1,500 Target stores and over 50 clinics.

Quantros Safety Rx is a powerful, web-based safety and quality software solution for capturing safety data, automating notification and compliance processes, and analyzing company-wide data to ensure timely communication and continuous quality improvement. 

Quantros is a leading provider of quality, safety and clinical business intelligence solutions for the healthcare industry across all care settings.

"Our goal is enhancing quality and safety within retail pharmacy and convenient care clinics," said Quantros President and CEO, Keith Hagen. "We have an impressive customer base within Safety Rx, and this partnership with Target further emphasizes our position as market leader for retail pharmacy safety solutions."

Target is also participating in the Quantros Patient Safety Center™ (QPSC), a federally-listed Patient Safety Organization dedicated to promoting data-driven patient safety and quality improvement.

Quantros will be at booth #3145 at NACDS Total Store Expo. Call 877-QUANTROS or email sales@quantros.com for more information.

Copyright © 2013 Quantros, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Quantros, Safety Rx and the Quantros Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Quantros, Inc. Other marks are the property of their respective holders.

Quantros helps healthcare providers improve quality and patient safety by empowering organizations, at every level, with the actionable intelligence they need to improve outcomes and reduce risk. Quantros provides cloud-based tools and resources for the full spectrum of the healthcare industry in the areas of safety and risk management, quality and performance improvement, accreditation and compliance, and centralized decision support. Today, more than 8,500 healthcare provider entities, including over 6,000 retail pharmacies, use Quantros solutions to capture meaningful data to effectively drive the decisions that improve the safety and quality of care.

 For more information, visit www.quantros.com.

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Beeta Ouraie
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