City of Chula Vista Uses McCain Pedestrian Signal to Promote Crosswalk Safety

Educación y Formación Gobierno Servicios Profesionales Transportation and Logistics

Internacional (Marketwired, 12 de Agosto de 2013) HAWK Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Creates Safer Crossing for Elementary School StudentsJust in time for the new school year, McCain Inc., a leading manufacturer and supplier of traffic control equipment and traffic management software, announces the first HAWK signal deployment in Chula Vista, aimed at providing safer pedestrian crossings for elementary school students and neighborhood residents.

The high-intensity activated crosswalk, or HAWK, was installed this summer near Fourth Avenue and Montgomery Street in the City of Chula Vista. The location, adjacent to Montgomery Elementary School, was selected to promote the safety of young students, parents, and teachers.

"We are elated to have partnered with the City of Chula Vista and Perry Electric on this landmark project," said Jesse Phelan, account manager at McCain Inc. "Though the HAWK signal was developed more than a decade ago, it has remained in limited use until recently. Hopefully, this project will spark a positive trend in pedestrian and motorist safety."

A study by the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) on a similar system in Tucson, Arizona found a 29 percent reduction in total crashes and a 69 percent reduction in pedestrian-related crashes. "With pedestrian hybrid systems proving to not only reduce pedestrian crashes, but also total crashes, the technology is definitely worth investing in," Phelan added.

HAWK signaling systems provide protected pedestrian crossings at unsignalized intersections or mid-block locations. The system includes two red traffic signals mounted above a yellow signal that remain off until activated by a pedestrian. When initiated by a pedestrian pushbutton, the signal flashes yellow then displays a steady yellow, before resting on a solid red, bringing all drivers to a stop while pedestrians safely traverse the road. The solid red is followed by flashing red lights, allowing drivers to proceed if the crosswalk is clear. The HAWK system then goes dark, returning traffic to its normal movement.

About McCain Inc.
McCain Inc. is a pioneer in advanced traffic control equipment and intelligent transportation systems. Founded in 1987, McCain has maintained a steadfast focus on the design and manufacture of progressive solutions to promote urban mobility and reduce congestion for the cities of today and tomorrow. With several manufacturing facilities in North America, McCain offers flexible production options to meet Buy America requirements.

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